What Are The Symptoms of Bad Breath?

Posted by admin Wednesday, October 27, 2010 0 comments
This may seem a "no brainer" sound, as one might think that bad breath is obvious to the person who has bad breath. This is not necessarily the case.
You can get your hands empty and have them blown to try to determine if your breath stinks, but that does not work because your body gets used to the smell of course. This is necessary so that the odor sensor system that can be seen outside the body.

If this is the case, thenOne must look to external symptoms:

Do you experience nasal drip?

Do you have any allergies?

Do you have a chronic dry mouth?

You had a sour taste in your mouth?

Do you have a coating on the tongue?

Do your friends are chewing gum or mints?

They turn their heads away when it comes to stranger?

These sound like basic questions, but if you answered yes to either of them is a good chance of having a problem with evilBreath. If you have any of them replied "I do not know," you must be proactive and see if any of the conditions applicable to the situation.

Top 10 Signs You Have Bad Breath

Posted by admin Tuesday, October 19, 2010 0 comments
As you board an airplane, have you ever wondered if you are near someone whose breath is lethal, only to find that one session? Then there is the dreaded morning breath, sleep occurs as you. They cuddle, dream, cuddle and then open your eyes to make either a sweet akiss or go to the bathroom to wash away that foul smell. Before the correction is made, here's a look at ten signs that signal the impending badBreath.

Dry mouth:

Saliva is very important in the course smells like bad breath fighting the bacteria that reside in the mouth. In the production of saliva from the mouth dry. This may be caused by nervousness, stress, alcohol, stimulants, and dehydration. Water is a great source of monitoring dry mouth. Chewing gum helps to deceive the thinking mind, is the food that increases the production of saliva.

sinus infections and post nasal drip:

A sinusInfection increases the creation of mucus and the anaerobic bacteria in the mouth blooms on this new food source that contains a large amount of bacteria and proteins. When sinusitis occurs frequently difficult to tell how your breath smells because your sense of smell and taste are concerned. And 'this is the cause of your bad breath, you can help with the removal of the breasts by the ingestion of drugs or talk with your doctor about treatments.

Tonsil infections or Tonsiloliths:

AsMucus is moved toward the back of the throat and closes with the bacteria (volatile sulfur compounds), ends up in columns around your tonsils and creates small, white pellets.


Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle may open the gum more bacteria that cause bad odors. These women see often tried to relieve bad breath. Also, before menstruation, are small capillaries that flow through the gum brittle and prone to rupture, releasing smallThe amount of blood in the gums, the bacteria feed on.


There are certain foods that can cause bad breath point. This is because of volatile sulfur compounds - the culprit in causing bad breath. spicy foods and dishes that contain onions and garlic foods are required to stay away if you have a strong social commitment to plan for it. Remember, bacteria in the mouth, the smell of sulfur and sulfur is the natural way of creating odors. These may be the smell ofrotten egg smell of sulfur or some volcanic activity and hot springs. These foods contain a bacterium that increases the noxious smell of rotten eggs.

Protein-rich foods:

The bacteria in the mouth love in protein such as milk, cheese, fish and some meat found. Coffee with or without caffeine, is high in acidity and promotes the bacteria in the mouth from reproducing.


It is a form of periodontal disease, and ischaracterized by a constant sore mouth, swollen, red and / or bleeding gums, more than ever, if you include brush. There are often times the sensitivity of pain and bleeding when brushing teeth. The gums should look like coral pink to red, however, and if you have had complaints in the mouth, the best way to contact your dentist or doctor.

Other reasons for bad breath (with the exception of the mouth) are:

Infections, particularly in the breasts orLung


Renal failure

Improper function of the liver

Disorders of metabolism (foul, fishy odor)

Fasting (if the body can not be supplied with fuel in the form of food, fats and proteins begin to break down, the result is bad odor from waste products of metabolism)

Each of these symptoms, causes bad breath or halitosis been rising. It 'important to remember that if you have symptoms such as sinusitis, problems withRenal or other systemic complications you should consult your doctor for a thorough examination, and not just treat the cause of bad breath.

Tools for Your Teeth Can Help Get Rid of Bad Breath

Posted by admin Sunday, October 17, 2010 0 comments
In most cases, to banish bad breath is an improvement of oral hygiene, the exceptions are respiratory problems caused by diseases, drugs, smoking and dietary habits.

Good oral hygiene begins with brushing your teeth: "Back in the day" our grandparents had a small selection of toothbrushes, which can be different colors but otherwise are not very different from each other. Over the years, that basicmanual toothbrush has benefited from the experiment of dentists and scientists and has become a tool to brush their teeth better and easier. Today, the manual toothbrush is still the best selling, most commonly used toothbrush, but it has some stiff competition in high-tech.

The electric toothbrush is now for the last 50 years or more and has the unique advantage of automatically clean the base up and down movement, which has proven to clean teethbetter. Regular brushing cause about 5,000 rounds per minute, which has developed such an enormous speed for a toothbrush, but also an electric toothbrush, it seems. The sonic toothbrush was developed in 1980 and up and down strokes has now reached a speed of 40,000 strokes per minute. You might ask what it means to reach enormous speeds that the manual toothbrush or power toothbrush has not done? The answer today is the enormous speed of SonicSaliva and water agitated brush that surrounds the teeth. This liquid is so heavily on super-speed movement of the brush, it actually knocks loose food particles and plaque from areas that can not reach the movements of the brush.

Dental floss: Even with the cleansing effect 'Sonic' of today's sonic toothbrushes, floss not gone out of fashion. . . yet no less necessary. Floss removes plaque and food debris from places between teeth that even the sound effect of the sound-Toothbrush will not come. There is a surprisingly wide variety of dental floss available: wax unwaxed mint, peppermint or no taste, from super thin, super high band-edge style and a dental floss holders make it a lighter procedure.

cleaning tools of the language: most people overlook the cleanliness of the language, or simply do not know. However, brushing or scraping of bacteria and residues in food and beverages is one of the languagemost effective treatment methods for oral hygiene, bad breath. There are different types of tongue cleaners available, starting with your toothbrush. specialized language brushing and tongue scrapers do a better job than a toothbrush.

During the cleaning of the tongue, as far as possible the language clean. It is possible for a gag reflex, but this is normal and will resolve with time. Use your toothbrush or a specialized tongue brush or tongue scraper (available at most drugsaved) to the tongue from back to front brush. Use enough pressure to clean thoroughly, but do not overdo it and irritate the tongue.

If brushing or tongue scraping is not like the kind of thing you want sound, controls one of the flavors, the language of anti-bacterial spray on the market.

Mouthwash: Most stores carry a large variety of mouthwash, but the best mouthwash is only a temporary "mask" for your bad breath, removing some of the immediateThe causes, but in reality we can not say "cure" his bad breath. The only effective "treatment" for bad breath is a combination of good, consistent oral hygiene and a balanced diet.

The vast majority of commercial mouthwashes temporarily cover your bad breath. This rinses do anything for them and many of them, namely that alcohol be included to help treat the bad breath problem, really. The net effect of a mouthwash containing alcohol on your breath is bad - alcoholHe wiped his mouth and the creation of a great breeding ground for the type of bacteria which contribute to bad breath.

The next time you go to buy the mouthwash (and if you have a problem of bad breath alcohol and use a water-mouth), check the labels on cleaning his mouth and look for "chlorine dioxide" or "stabilized chlorine dioxide. Mouthwashes with chlorine dioxide or stabilized chlorine dioxide actually attack that sulfurous "rotten eggs" smell that leaves a legacy of oral bacteria anddoes not dry out your mouth.

Toothpaste: Most brand toothpaste (Crest, Colgate, etc.) are very good at what they do - brushing teeth and a thin layer to protect them - at least for a while '. Some toothpastes have special hours of chlorine dioxide (see above) are added.

The best tool: the best way to manage your breathing is described with a normal, twice-daily ritual of oral hygiene, which consists of all the brushing, scraping and washing. In addition,a balanced diet and drink plenty of water and your breath should be much less of a problem.

The Right Way To Brush Your Teeth & Take Care Of Your Mouth

Posted by admin Friday, October 15, 2010 1 comments
The proper way to brush your teeth

You should brush against the gums with a 45 degree angle. Strokes should be gentle in tooth wide increments. Brush each side and up. Do not forget to brush your tongue.

Proper care toothbrush

If this argument seems to be another "no brainer" is not true. Many people do not understand the care of your toothbrush. Remember, it is an object that comes into your mouth every dayin contact with the billions of bacteria not to mention some cases of contamination by bleeding of the gyms or other conditions.

First of all, share your toothbrush! It 's a great risk of cross-contamination when this practice is followed.

Always rinse your toothbrush after use and store it brush side up to dry. If a common storage system is used, do not allow the brushes come into contact with each other.

There are conflicting thoughtsstorage of toothbrushes in a disinfectant. One school of thought holds that many times do more harm by storing the toothbrush in the same disinfectant in order to make a further possibility of cross contamination can.

Never store your toothbrush in a closed container, the device can provide a favorable climate for bacteria.

proper way to floss

Use a length of dental floss 16-18 cm in length. Wrap the wire around each middle finger. Slide the wire between yourTeeth. Form AU against the side of a tooth. Starting with the rubber, with a gentle rubbing motion to remove food particles. Repeat with each tooth adjacent to think that taking the matter to accept, so that a clean section of floss each tooth.

Eat when you are hungry

Avoid an empty stomach. Yes, it's true! If you do not eat, your saliva production is reduced. You need that saliva to wash away the bacteria and avoid dry mouth.

Drink plenty of water to keepYour mouth moist

This can help your health as well. If you drink bottled water, can not be a valuable resource. Most community water systems include fluoride in your drinking water.

If you drink bottled water you lose this advantage. Remember, a water filtration system at home. For example, if you use a reverse osmosis system, all the valuable nutrients are removed with fluoride.

Add tea to your list of favorite drinks

E 'It is assumed that the polyphenols in tea help prevent the chemical sulfur producing bacteria that contributes to bad breath.

Cranberry Juice

Try drinking cranberry juice or eating cranberries. The plaque is less likely because the shape of the blueberries to reduce the viscosity of the bacteria.


Scurvy? Yes, this may give shock, but still instances of "scurvy" in the modern world of today. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C and can cause bleeding gums andManifesto and bad breath. Vitamin A is also necessary for the general health of the gums and teeth. Here is a list of nutrients that may be of benefit to bad breath and the recommended dosage:

Vitamin A: 10,000 IU daily

Vitamin B complex - everyday

Vitamin B6 - Daily

Vitamin C: 1000 mg. TID

Calcium: 2,300 mg. one day

Coenzyme Q10: 30 mg. TID

Vitamin E: 400 mg. one day

Folic acid: 800 mcg. one day

Niacin - Daily


Holistic HealingCommunity shows that dairy products can contribute to the fermentation of waste food in the stomach. Their proposal is to eliminate all dairy products for a week and use it as a measure to determine if your bad breath improves.


Another school of thought suggests a digestive enzyme after eating every meal. Since the creation of necessary bacteria in the digestive system usually in an alkaline environment, the environment may artificially prevent fermentation to thrive.Try a small amount (about 1/8th of a teaspoon) of pure sodium bicarbonate, about 20 minutes after eating. You may very well improve your digestion and help prevent bad breath.

The treatment of oral Candida

Also known as "thrush" is one of the yeast Candida (fungus) infections, although getting rid of annoying and difficult, but it can be done.

Start by removing all refined sugar from your diet. This includes in particular the products of yeast.You do not pour "fertilizer" on a yeast infection.

If you are on any type of antibiotic treatment, may well have been the foundation of good bacteria that aids digestion disturbed. In this case, we must promote the growth of bacteria for bacterial loss during treatment with the antibiotic.

Try a "probiotic." Exactly the opposite of an antibiotic is the probiotic bacteria, millions to go into your system to counteract the damage done by theAntibiotic.

The most commonly know probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus. You may have seen the milk L. acidophilus in the dairy section of your grocery store. This is milk that has been enriched with bacteria L. acidophilus. L. acidophilus is also present in yogurt and can be found in supplementary form, in any health food store.

Serious Health Issues That Cause Bad Breath

Posted by admin Wednesday, October 13, 2010 0 comments
Odd smell

For example, if the odor smells like fruit "This may indicate that your body is trying to expel acetone. This condition occurs due to a process called ketoacidosis.

Ketoacidosis occurs when insulin is not present in the body. When insulin is not present, body fat is replaced with insulin, and when metabolized, ketones invade the blood. This condition can causediabetic coma and should be life threatening.

If you ever had a tube is inserted into the stomach through the mouth or nose, you can "fecal odor" have experienced in your breath. This can also occur if a bowel obstruction or prolonged vomiting. A smell of ammonia or fish, may be associated with chronic renal failure, also known as chronic renal failure.

Drug Abuse

This is a sad note for our culture today. In the past, even on this topicin a guide like this can be considered. A study in 2003 study found that 12.3 million Americans age 12 and over tried meth at least once. This number is surprising when you consider that represents 5.2% of the population.

Not only are the health risks are enormous, but the damage to the teeth is often irreversible. Doctors have reported that the teeth of methamphetamine users described as putrid, black, stained and literally falling apart and crumble. The drug isvery acidic and reduces the production of saliva. Users tend to grind their teeth and want to sugar in any form. The drug for longer stays in the system for up to 12 hours of exposure in a time when you probably will not even consider brushing or flossing.

The removal of teeth is often the only action available.

Eating Disorders

We said that vomiting is a known cause of bad breath. Hand in hand with vomiting are potentially dangerous diseases such asBulimia and anorexia.

Bulimia affects the practice of eating binge from repeated self-induced vomiting called "clean" and is usually followed in secret.

The reasons for engaging in this practice for each participant. However, it is generally by the medical community that those who suffer from bulimia eat accepted "comfort".

Using food as a therapy, and eat a lot of feeling inside to induce. It seems that temporarily removedFeelings of anger, bewilderment, anxiety and other negative human conditions.

Each time they have to binge, I am clean, so the patch can get emotional while binging recovery. This is an extremely dangerous practice.

Flushing is done through fasting, diet pills or diuretics. Not only is the practice leads to rapidly deplete the body's natural resources but also creates a situation of dry mouth, bad breath. If you know someone who may be suspectedwill see in a "binge eating" malicious program for signs of bad breath too. If you suspect they are involved in this behavior, intervention may be in order.

Anorexia is also extremely harmful. Although it may manifest itself in some ways bulimia, is different in that the victim fear of weight gain and even the slightest bit of body fat may simply not be tolerated needs. Instead of binging and purging, bleeding, and 'the tool of preference for people who sufferAnorexia.


Our purpose of the discussion, which, obviously directed against piercing oral piercing. It is not my intention to make any decision of the case, only some of the risks involved, and bad breath by the practice.

The most obvious risk factor is infection occurring, if a lesion can be anywhere in the body. But how do we know that the mouth is the ideal environment for bacteria to grow if it is"Good" bacteria or "bad" bacteria.

One might think that the risk is greater at the time of piercing and that would be correct. Still use the jewelry after placement increased the chances of infection down the road. Oral piercing may also put at risk of blood contamination and increase the risk of hepatitis B, C, D and G.

may cause damage to blood vessels in the tongue or cheek and bleeding time in some cases nerve damage can occur.

Only with the jewels in his mouth, the soft tissues around the teeth caused damage to withdraw your rubber.

Constant clicking the jewelry against natural teeth and / or restored can cause breakage of the enamel or veneers or chip.

Oral jewelry can have more saliva than is necessary. Some people have reported problems with speech and a marked reduction in ability to pronounce words correctly. Others say that its capacity has been reduced to chew.

Another bad caseScenario is the risk that sell jewelry, causing a danger of suffocation or even swallow jewelry, and after it has finished in the digestive tract, even dangerous.

Finally, there is no doubt that a foreign body in the mouth to create bad breath. Keep the area around the piercing clean at 100% to 100% of the time is impossible. It only takes a couple of tiny particles lodged in or around the entry and exit pin jewelry create bad breath. Ethat even before you add in the factors described above.

So if you want to choose the work in practice to prepare for some pretty heavy maintenance and the possibility of infection or even worse circumstances.

These examples are not the norm, of course, but when you one of them, it would be wise to contact a physician especially if they replace previously normal breath.